Friday, June 8, 2012

Hyped Products?

Hey guys! I was watching beauty videos on YouTube the other day (I do this every day pretty much) and I heard someone mention that she likes to buy products other than the ones hyped on YouTube. That got me thinking, is there a list of the most hyped products on YouTube? After Google yielded no results, I decided that the only thing to do would be for me to make my own list.

So here's where you come in. I'm compiling my own list and I have my friend Becca helping me out. I know that we will miss things though. I'm asking people to comment with products that they hear about on YouTube all the time. When I finish the list to my standards, I will post it and the maybe try to do some sort of series around it.

Now what I mean about hyped products, are products that it seems every beauty guru has and loves. Some examples? NARS Orgasm blush, NARS Laguna bronzer, Benefit They're Real Mascara... Anything you hear them rant and rave about, I want to know what it is!

Thanks guys! I look forward to see what you notice!

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