Sunday, June 24, 2012

Urban Decay Cosmopolitan Lip Gloss

Hey everyone! So I picked this up on sale a while ago and I never got around to reviewing it! Apparently Urban Decay had a line of glosses inspired by drinks! I thought this was adorable (remember I'm huge into gimmicky products and I'm not afraid to admit it) and because I'm 21, I thought it was appropriate!

The gloss itself is a nice color and consistency but there are some big flaws. I guess it is supposed to smell like a Cosmo. Now I'll admit that I am the most boring 21 year old alive. I rarely drink. I'll have Margaritas with my dad but I don't go to bars or anything like that. I really don't have a reason to. I don't need to pick up men because I have a simply wonderful boyfriend who I have been dating for 2 years, and my two best friends are under age so I can't help them pick up men. Anyways, my point is that I haven't ever tried a Cosmo so I don't know what they smell like. I supposed if I smelled a Cosmo and it smelled like the lipgloss I would change my opinion. For now, the gloss smells like bubbles to me. Bubbles as in the $2 bottles of bubbles that you buy in a drug store for a kid in the summer time when you are trying to think of ways to keep them occupied. I really can't get over the scent. I apply the gloss and as if I got into the TARDIS (Doctor Who reference for all you poor souls who haven't experienced DW yet) and was transported back to my childhood. Bubbles aren't exactly something you want to apply to your lips, so the experience is kinda negative for me.

ANYWAYS, (I'm in a tangent mood tonight) the other flaw with the product is that when you pull the doe foot out of the tube there is never enough product on it. Now my lips aren't very big, but I'm finding myself having to dip the wand in the tube at least three times to cover my lips all the way.

I thought maybe I had a defective Bubble-smelling, poor-dispensing gloss, but my best friend Becca has the same one and hers is the same. Oh well, I'll keep wearing it and see if it grows on me!

Let me know what you think!

1 comment:

  1. postingan yang bagus tentang Urban Decay Cosmopolitan Lip Gloss
